Saturday, May 3, 2014

Farm Heroes Saga Level 4 Cheats and Tips

These Farm Heroes Saga Cheats and Tips will tell you how to beat level 4. For Farm Heroes Saga level 4, you will need to achieve 100% growth, collect 15 green apples, 15 orange carrots, and 15 water drops. You will also only have 12 moves to complete this task.

Farm Heroes Saga Level 4

1. Focus on the required cropsies.

  • You don’t have a ton of moves here, but you will need to collect the most cropsies that you’ve seen so far.
  • However, a total of 45 cropsies might seem like a lot, but compared to future levels, it is not that much.
  • Focus your early moves and attention on them to ensure that they are collected.
  • The more matches of required cropsies you make, the more +1 boosters you will get on the required cropsies adjacent to your match.
  • Make matches of required cropsies on the bottom of the board as well. This helps bring new cropsies into play and can induce cascading matches, which are like free turns because they are extra matches on top of the match you already made in that turn

2. Large matches!


  • The name of the game from here on out is large matches. The levels are only going to get more difficult which means that move counts could be few.
  • Create matches of 4 and larger to make sure you are collecting your cropsies more efficiently.
  • This will make your life easier, especially when you find yourself counting down the moves later on during play.
  • Large matches also help bring in more new cropsies and the chance of more cascading matches.
  • Large matches also increase the value of your +1 boosters, thus making your life much easier in your path to achieving your goal of 15 green apples, 15 orange carrots, and 15 water droplets.

3. Try out the shovel.


  • The shovel will help you remove certain items that are in your way.
  • Use the shovel to remove a crop or item that is preventing you from making a big match. You only have 12 moves, so you want to use them as best as possible.
  • If you see a cropsie in your way of a big match, simply pick it out with the shovel.
  • Using the shovel will help save your moves since using this booster does not use up any moves.
  • The shovel also has a lot more uses when more obstacles begin to block your path of Farm Hero Saga mastery, but for now, get a feel of the shovel and use it to dig up cropsies that are in the way of making a match over 3 cropsies.
  • Farm Heroes Saga level 4 is still somewhat of a practice level and you should be able to achieve your goal with moves to spare so you can play around with the shovel.

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